About Thalia Stanley Group
Thalia Stanley Group is a bespoke services firm working with a limited number of clients at any given time. Our emphasis is to educate you and develop your financial literacy, to help you understand your core values, and to mentor you to fulfill your potential both personally and professionally.
We see ourselves as your advocate. We simplify the often complicated world of financial services, investment advisors and the property sector, so that you can have meaningful input into a plan that reflects your TRUE values and REAL lifestyle goals. Giving you the confidence to have powerful conversations with licensed experts about what it is you want, rather than them telling you what you should do.
This is about you
Each of us has a dream inside of us that we wish to fulfill. All of us have the following three resources to call upon: our time, our life force (being our physical and mental capacity), and of course money - this is the starting place for all wealth.
Your future
Your future literally is determined by what you think about, your thoughts influence your emotional state, and your emotions determine what actions you feel like taking on a consistent basis or not. Our coaching and mentoring are a critical part of the puzzle of helping you design and honour the future you desire to create.
Make it happen
We oversee the whole process and assist you to direct experts to make your dreams a reality.
Unlike many people who engage experts and entrust them with their entire financial future, Thalia Stanley Group clients are different due to our mentoring and advocacy model. Thalia Stanley clients are empowered, knowledgeable, confident and able to direct experts to carry out their wishes, as opposed to being dictated to.
Your money, your life, your choice
Learn how we can simplify financial literacy so that you feel excited and empowered to design your own future the way that you want it. We DO NOT provide any form of financial advice under any circumstances. Our work is financial literacy, personal coaching and professional mentoring. We have a trusted team of external dedicated licensed experts that are able to provide you with advice. Thalia Stanley's range of wealth advocacy services​.

About our Founder
Marion Mays launched Thalia Stanley Group (named in honour of her parents) in 2014.
Her breadth of expertise and experience comes from 20 years in banking, lending, debt and asset recovery, financial planning and real estate.
Marion holds qualifications in marketing/commerce, financial planning, professional coaching and real estate. She has been an avid investor in commercial and residential property for over 20 years.
Marion's approach is lateral, creative, and based in the notion that when we live our core values, we are our most powerful selves.
Her ethos of ‘all individuals deserve to make well-informed decisions based on having a knowledge base to participate in the planning and decision making of their own future' is the backbone of the Thalia Stanley Group. And to uphold this, Marion and her extended team bring a refreshing, transparent, honest, creative and results-driven approach to helping individuals adult when it comes to their financial futures.